What about fictionnal aircraft ?

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What about fictionnal aircraft ?

Post by LVCDC »

One of the most famous is Firefox (*).
These fictionnal aircraft are not real aircraft used to represent a new plane (like the Phoenix III which is a biplace played by a F-117) but crafts with new lines and built from scratch (digital, mock up or really 'flyable' -as the sad Phoenix in which Paul Mantz lost his life-)

Well... but could a category built up to group them ?

(*) BTW,
the page about this movie already exists but has no image !
And the CH-53 and civil airliners are missing...
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Re: What about fictionnal aircraft ?

Post by Bthebest »

At the moment, fictional aircraft are just titled "(Aircraft Name)", the speech marks highlighting the fictitious nature, along with a comment. A category is something we can look at, and I will add to my list for this summer.

As the page has had no activity since 2010, feel free to go and complete it yourself - although you might want to double check with the original author first.
Tim - IMPDb Administrator
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Re: What about fictionnal aircraft ?

Post by tleeg »

I loved that movie and even though I wasn't the original poster, I was the last to touch it. At this point, if you can add to the page, please feel free to do so. We would love any help you can provide.

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