A movie - several releases

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A movie - several releases

Post by LVCDC2 »

We all know that a movie has sometimes several lifes.

From a date to another one and/or from a country to another one, the same movie could be shortened or win additional scenes.

I recently saw a documentary which was based on a BBC work but the second half was clearly a home made part for the public of the local broadcasting.

How to built the page dedicated for such movie/documentary/serie ?

When we work from a DVD release, do we make a special section "Director's cut" (for example) if the support includes the both variants ?

If I work on a european release and another user looks a american one, do we built two pages or the differencies must be specified on the same one (in this case, how do we proceed ? on the discussion page ? on the main one ? If we use the main one, how to notice an addition or a deletion [aircraft by aircraft or all put in the same section] ?).

Potential pages concern by such case :
The War
Dangers dans le ciel / Mayday
Lord of the Flies

and several others !
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