The following topic's goal is to find in a cool spirit the best way to manage the different types of aircraft seen throughout IMPDB.
The starting point was a different point of view melt with a simultaneous action between two of us. Here is the first exchanges, in order to give the context and to allow an UNDO on the movie's page of these lines really out of subject.
== Breguet Alizé ==
In order to keep harmonization with others Breguet categories already on the site, I suggest to create the page as Breguet Alizé instead of Breguet Br.1050 Alizé. As the English Wikipédia list it. Thanks.[[User:Sixcyl|Sixcyl]] 00:35, 12 September 2014 (MDT)
LVCDC it's more convenient and logical to name this aircraft by its generic Breguet Alizé name rather than Br 1050. It's the case when different model numbers are used under a same category of aircraft: here Br.1050 and 1150.<br>
Same rules applied on category pages:<br>
Avro Tudor (688, 711)<br>
Vickers Viscount (630, 700, 800, 810....)<br>
Handley Page Halifax ( <br>
(This rule should be applied for the Bristol aircraft as well).
So I think we should stay on this way to keep unity in the lists.[[User:Sixcyl|Sixcyl]] 02:17, 12 September 2014 (MDT)
... sauf que ça ne rime à rien ! Quel serait le "petit nom" du Breguet 14 ? Et celui du Breguet 19 ? Alors que l'Atlantic / Atlantique c'est le Br. 1150, que le Provence (plutôt Deux-Ponts d'ailleurs) est le Br. 761. Désolé, je "UNDO". [[User:LVCDC|LVCDC]] 01:20, 12 September 2014 (MDT)
Faux: le vocable "Deux ponts" est à l'aviation ce que la "Traction" est à l'automobile un surnom tout ce qui a de moins officiel. Le vrai nom est Provence soit sous modèle Br.763 réalisé pour Air France, et Sahara pour l' Armée de l'Air sous le modèle Br.765. Br.761 étant le n° de modèle des protos/pré-séries.
Comme toi, initialement quand je suis arrivé sur ce site, j'étais plutôt réticent à cette logique, ce qui a conduit à des écarts sur certaines désignations comme par ex le cas de Bristol, mais d'une manière générale je trouve que cette règle, au demeurant abondamment employée sur le Wikipdia anglais (dont je ne fais pas un exemple systématique pour autant!) est finalement préférable, car elle permet des classes d'appareils plus logiquement. A quoi rimerait de nommer la catégorie Vickers Viscount en tant que Vickers 630 Viscount alors qu'une majorité d'appareils se décline en Vickers 700, 800 ou 810 Viscount...? Par ailleurs, il est aussi bon nombre d'avions dont le n°de modèle n'étaient pas usités commercialement.
Je vais réexaminer la question de certaines fiches dans ce sens.
[[User:Sixcyl|Sixcyl]] 02:17, 12 September 2014 (MDT)
A suivre Wikipedia trop facilement, j'ai fait par le passé la fiche "Dassault Breguet Super-Etendard" pour être en phase avec l'édition English. Breguet n'a jamais mis son nez dans l'Etendard ou son successeur. Tout au plus le SUE a-t-il été développé et produit par AMD-BA. Il serait bon de la reprendre en "Dassault Super-Etendard" pendant que nous n'avons que 5 films s'y référant. Mais je manque de temps.<br>
Si pour le Viscount le raisonnement peut se tenir, chez Breguet, je regrette mais les dénominations ne couvrent pas toutes les productions alors que les types sont bien définis. Désolé mais les rêves d'harmonisation sont des jeux vains face à l'histoire des marques. Tiens ! regardons chez les automobiles (pour ne pas faire de jaloux ou créer des susceptibilités entre avionneurs) si au fil du temps Citroën a des dénominations "hamonieuses" : B3 / Xantia / C5. Même Peugeot avec son 0 (zéro) central (marque déposée) n'a pas été constant !<br>
Désolé d'avoir été un peu sec, je suis un peu énervé ces derniers temps. [[User:LVCDC|LVCDC]] 07:08, 12 September 2014 (MDT)
Tiens! si tu es inspiré et étant en manque d'infos cohérentes, je te laisse aborder la vaste question des Dornier Wal ; bien définir la catégorie permettra de boucler [[Der Sommer 1939]] plutôt que de le laisser traîner et qu'il file aux oubliettes. Merci par avance. [[User:LVCDC|LVCDC]] 07:16, 12 September 2014 (MDT)
Ce passage en force ne me plait guerre, tu peux t'en douter, et me laisser un nonos à ronger sur le Dornier Wal n'est pas de nature à me calmer (même si il y a sans doute à en dire?). Desolé, moi aussi je peux être énervé! <br>
Ces dénominations ne me convainquent pas du tout: <br>
Tu viens de changer la catégorie Breguet Atlantic en Breguet Br 1150 sans le "Atlantic" auquel tout un chacun s'attends et qui correspond au nom officiel de l'appareil. Ca ne va pas du tout. <br>
Il reste le cas du Breguet Provence: il faut dire que ce cas est contradictoire de ton argument sur les types dans la production Breguet (3types pour un même avion= Br761,763 et 765). Ainsi dans la liste il reste seul à respecter la logique qu'on essaie d'avoir.<br>
Je pense que d'ailleurs celle-ci est plus respectueuse de la réalité que celle qui consiste à classer tout un tas de variantes sous un nom d'une variante particulière . Il vaut mieux utiliser le nom générique (ex.du Viscount). C'est ce qu'on compris les gens du Wiki English je pense et ils ont sans doute raison, même si il peut y avoir des choses à redire (Ok avec toi sur le cas du Dassault Super Etandard) <br>
Par contre et bien évidemment je pense qu'on doit être très rigoureux dans la désignation individuelle de chaque avion, qui apparait dans la page film.
A+ [[User:Sixcyl|Sixcyl]] 15:20, 12 September 2014 (MDT)
Maintenant que nous avons bien démontré notre caractère de français, passons à la seconde moitié de l'album d'Astérix et Obélix ...<br>
RDV sur le forum pour reprendre tout ceci sur un fil dédié (pas sûr que je puisse le faire ce WE, j'aurai pas le temps de faire le copier / coller et surtout d'y glisser le détail du projet que je te proposerai). A terme, mener une réflexion commune et non des chamailleries afin de vider cette page (puisque reportée sur le forum) dont 95% n'a rien à voir avec le film en lui-même. Bon WE. [[User:LVCDC|LVCDC]] 08:15, 13 September 2014 (MDT)
Well !
It's not the best way to solve the problem, I agree All my apologies for this "web rage".
So let's change the way we exchange about this hard subject : which logic must we follow in order to avoid misunderstanding and so some nervousness.
I'll be back soon with some ideas in an open mind.
But I'm afraid this highly busy week will not the right time to expose them.
Airplanes and Manufacturers Categories
Re: Airplanes and Manufacturers Categories
I agree to find and state, with every contributors on this site, on some rules for the naming of category aircraft.
Here is my suggestion, and I must admit that the question is not so easy that it should be!
When we have to create and name a new category of aircraft, several cases can occur and might be considered:
1a - Aircraft model number, or model letter, or combination of both, is the name of the model, for instance:
Breguet 14, Boeing 707, Curtiss D, or Tupolev Tu-104.
Then the category is created as:
Category:Breguet 14, Category:Boeing 707, Category:Curtiss D or Category:Tupolev Tu-104. There is no ambiguity.
1b - Aircraft model number is the name of the model , but several variants of the model uses several numbers corresponding to important modification of the airframe for instance:
Convair 240, 340, 440 Metropolitan. (length differences)
In this case, the category will be created as:
Category:Convair 240/340/440. The name Metripolitan proper to the 440 is dropped from this designation.
1c - Aircraft model number is the name of the model , but several variants of the model uses several numbers corresponding to minor modifications of the airframe for instance:
Bloch MB.150, 151, 152, 155, 157. (variant in power of piston engines)
In this case, it should be created as the first or most significant version:
Category: Bloch MB.150
2a - Aircraft name and model number are not the same, and several variants are under different model numbers for instance:
Beechcraft Baron can be a model 55, A55, B55, ...56,....58.
Therefore it will be created as:
Category: Beechcraft Baron, using the generic name Baron of all these variants.
2b - Aircraft name and model number are not the same, but several variants are under different name for instance:
Cessna 650 Citation can be a Citation III, IV, VI or VII.
Then, in this case we shall create:
Category: Cessna 650 Citation.
3a - Aircraft name and model number are not the same, but only one model number is used with this name, for instance:
Avro Canada CF-100 Canuck. All CF-100 are Canuck and all Canuck are CF-100
Therefore the categories will be:
Category: Avro Canada CF-100 Canuck.
3b - Aircraft name and model number are not the same, and only one model number is used with this name , but they are some other aircraft from this manufacturer in the case 2a, for instance:
Avro Anson (model 625A), is beside Avro Avian (model 581 to 625) or Avro Shackelton (model 696, 716) or Avro Tudor (model 688 to 711).
Therefore we shall use:
Category:Avron Anson, despite it is only under model 625A. This rule gives a better harmonization in the Aircraft list.
At the moment 97% of the category aircraft on the aircraft list of the site, are matching with this rule.
The Categories non matching with it are:
• Category:Aérospatiale SA 313/315 Alouette II
• Category:Aérospatiale SA 316/319 Alouette III
• Category:Aérospatiale SA 321 Super Frelon
• Category:Aérospatiale SA 330 Puma
• Category:Aérospatiale SA 341 Gazelle
• Category:Aérospatiale SA 360 Dauphin
• Category:Aérospatiale SN 601 Corvette
• Category:Breguet Br 1050 Alizé
• Category:Breguet Br 1150
• Category:Breguet Provence
• Category:Bristol 105 Bulldog
• Category:Bristol 142 Blenheim
• Category:Bristol 156 Beaufighter
• Category:Bristol 170 Freighter
• Category:Bristol 175 Britannia
• Category:Bristol F.2 Fighter
• Category:Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander
• Category:Britten-Norman Trislander
• Category:Caudron C.270 Luciole
• Category:Caudron C.440 Goéland
• Category:Caudron C.600 Aiglon
• Category:Caudron C.635 Simoun
• Category:Cessna O-1 Bird Dog
• Category:Fouga CM170 Magister
• Category:Handley Page HP.137 Jetstream
• Category:Short S.8 Calcutta
• Category:Short S.25 Sunderland
• Category:Short SC.7 Skyvan
• Category:SNCASE SE.161 Languedoc
• Category:SNCASE SE.2010 Armagnac
• Category:SNCASO SO.1221 Djinn
• Category:SNCASO SO.4050 Vautour
• Category:SNCASO SO.6000 Triton
• Category:Stinson L-1 Vigilant
• Category:Stinson L-5 Sentinel
• Category:Stinson L-13
I think we should discuss about them group by group, considering we can find an agreement on my suggestion of rules.
A vous la parole.
Here is my suggestion, and I must admit that the question is not so easy that it should be!
When we have to create and name a new category of aircraft, several cases can occur and might be considered:
1a - Aircraft model number, or model letter, or combination of both, is the name of the model, for instance:
Breguet 14, Boeing 707, Curtiss D, or Tupolev Tu-104.
Then the category is created as:
Category:Breguet 14, Category:Boeing 707, Category:Curtiss D or Category:Tupolev Tu-104. There is no ambiguity.
1b - Aircraft model number is the name of the model , but several variants of the model uses several numbers corresponding to important modification of the airframe for instance:
Convair 240, 340, 440 Metropolitan. (length differences)
In this case, the category will be created as:
Category:Convair 240/340/440. The name Metripolitan proper to the 440 is dropped from this designation.
1c - Aircraft model number is the name of the model , but several variants of the model uses several numbers corresponding to minor modifications of the airframe for instance:
Bloch MB.150, 151, 152, 155, 157. (variant in power of piston engines)
In this case, it should be created as the first or most significant version:
Category: Bloch MB.150
2a - Aircraft name and model number are not the same, and several variants are under different model numbers for instance:
Beechcraft Baron can be a model 55, A55, B55, ...56,....58.
Therefore it will be created as:
Category: Beechcraft Baron, using the generic name Baron of all these variants.
2b - Aircraft name and model number are not the same, but several variants are under different name for instance:
Cessna 650 Citation can be a Citation III, IV, VI or VII.
Then, in this case we shall create:
Category: Cessna 650 Citation.
3a - Aircraft name and model number are not the same, but only one model number is used with this name, for instance:
Avro Canada CF-100 Canuck. All CF-100 are Canuck and all Canuck are CF-100
Therefore the categories will be:
Category: Avro Canada CF-100 Canuck.
3b - Aircraft name and model number are not the same, and only one model number is used with this name , but they are some other aircraft from this manufacturer in the case 2a, for instance:
Avro Anson (model 625A), is beside Avro Avian (model 581 to 625) or Avro Shackelton (model 696, 716) or Avro Tudor (model 688 to 711).
Therefore we shall use:
Category:Avron Anson, despite it is only under model 625A. This rule gives a better harmonization in the Aircraft list.
At the moment 97% of the category aircraft on the aircraft list of the site, are matching with this rule.
The Categories non matching with it are:
• Category:Aérospatiale SA 313/315 Alouette II
• Category:Aérospatiale SA 316/319 Alouette III
• Category:Aérospatiale SA 321 Super Frelon
• Category:Aérospatiale SA 330 Puma
• Category:Aérospatiale SA 341 Gazelle
• Category:Aérospatiale SA 360 Dauphin
• Category:Aérospatiale SN 601 Corvette
• Category:Breguet Br 1050 Alizé
• Category:Breguet Br 1150
• Category:Breguet Provence
• Category:Bristol 105 Bulldog
• Category:Bristol 142 Blenheim
• Category:Bristol 156 Beaufighter
• Category:Bristol 170 Freighter
• Category:Bristol 175 Britannia
• Category:Bristol F.2 Fighter
• Category:Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander
• Category:Britten-Norman Trislander
• Category:Caudron C.270 Luciole
• Category:Caudron C.440 Goéland
• Category:Caudron C.600 Aiglon
• Category:Caudron C.635 Simoun
• Category:Cessna O-1 Bird Dog
• Category:Fouga CM170 Magister
• Category:Handley Page HP.137 Jetstream
• Category:Short S.8 Calcutta
• Category:Short S.25 Sunderland
• Category:Short SC.7 Skyvan
• Category:SNCASE SE.161 Languedoc
• Category:SNCASE SE.2010 Armagnac
• Category:SNCASO SO.1221 Djinn
• Category:SNCASO SO.4050 Vautour
• Category:SNCASO SO.6000 Triton
• Category:Stinson L-1 Vigilant
• Category:Stinson L-5 Sentinel
• Category:Stinson L-13
I think we should discuss about them group by group, considering we can find an agreement on my suggestion of rules.
A vous la parole.
Re: Airplanes and Manufacturers Categories
Thanks for the effort.
I'm afraid I could not post some advice before mid-october.
I hope that others contributors could do this in the delay.
I'm afraid I could not post some advice before mid-october.
I hope that others contributors could do this in the delay.
Re: Airplanes and Manufacturers Categories
I've fixed the case of Short.
Re: Airplanes and Manufacturers Categories
I agree with all of Sixcyl's categorisations, except if there is both a unique number and name, these should be included - is this the case for the Aerospatiale and Bristol ones?
Tim - IMPDb Administrator
Aircraft 'Expert'
Aircraft 'Expert'
Re: Airplanes and Manufacturers Categories
Changed Category Do 28 Skyservant to Do 28.
Skyservant was the exclusive name of the specific 28D version, a very deep modification of the early versions A/B.
Do 28 category include also the 28E version, new design of the D which will breed the Do 228 aircraft.
Skyservant was the exclusive name of the specific 28D version, a very deep modification of the early versions A/B.
Do 28 category include also the 28E version, new design of the D which will breed the Do 228 aircraft.
Re: Airplanes and Manufacturers Categories
I fixed the case of Handley Page.
H.P.42 becomes H.P.42/45 conform to case 1b.
H.P.42 becomes H.P.42/45 conform to case 1b.
Re: Airplanes and Manufacturers Categories
Britten Norman Islander instead of Britten Norman BN-2 Islander. BN-2 is also the type of the Mk.III version name Trislander.
So it better in that way.
So it better in that way.
Re: Airplanes and Manufacturers Categories
I fixed all the Caudron in the list. Case 2a.
Re: Airplanes and Manufacturers Categories
Hi Sixcyl !
When you modify a category, please explain why (instead just blanking the old page);
And for those less aware of industrial processes, it could be useful to list on a category page all the models and variants it covers.
For example, to create a page on the Bloch 150 could be surprising as only one airframe was built and the type is mainly known through the 151 and 152 which are 93% of the production.
As a page for a category is built once an aircraft is two times on IMPDB, it's not surprising that new categories meets the most produced aircraft, not the prototype.
And later, it could be hard to built a movie page with so many category names based on the rarest variant !
In fact, we should have a 'page builder' engine through which we can select among a rolling list first the manufacturer and in a second one the model.
As so many categories have changed of name, I could no more prepare new pages from data of the former ones I've built and saved on my PC. I must be connected to check the name and it's highly time consuming.
When you modify a category, please explain why (instead just blanking the old page);
And for those less aware of industrial processes, it could be useful to list on a category page all the models and variants it covers.
For example, to create a page on the Bloch 150 could be surprising as only one airframe was built and the type is mainly known through the 151 and 152 which are 93% of the production.
As a page for a category is built once an aircraft is two times on IMPDB, it's not surprising that new categories meets the most produced aircraft, not the prototype.
And later, it could be hard to built a movie page with so many category names based on the rarest variant !
In fact, we should have a 'page builder' engine through which we can select among a rolling list first the manufacturer and in a second one the model.
As so many categories have changed of name, I could no more prepare new pages from data of the former ones I've built and saved on my PC. I must be connected to check the name and it's highly time consuming.