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X-15 : it' s a movie not a redirection page !

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 6:51 pm
I've worked on the 1961 movie and when ready to post ... I faced what I first took for a bug but is in fact a page built to redirect "X-15" to the category "North American X-15".

Please look at
and consider my query.

A disambigation page, OK.
A rediretion page for the TrucMucheTralala XBM-98563 D1-usw-WhatElse, I could understand.
But North American X-15 is not deadly to write (and I guess in fact you paste it), isn't it ?

So anybody to say NO if I'll change the use of this page ( in favor of a real Aviation Movie ?

Eleven planes (including the 3 X-15 built and a very rare type not yet on IMPDB) are awaiting your approval.

Thanks to read these lines ... and give your opinion.

Re: X-15 : it' s a movie not a redirection page !

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:48 pm
by Corkeyandpals
Seems like a fine idea to me. Either just using X-15 for the movie or turning it into a disambiguation for the plane and titling the movie page X-15 (1961) would probably work.