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Frequency Change Approved
Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 8:27 pm
by BeerGremlin
I just came across this site. What an awesome idea!
I have a blog that I recently started depicting my plane spotting "adventures." You can check it out here, if you'd like:
Piaggio Avanti P.180 (N189SL) arriving runway 21 at KSDL
Re: Frequency Change Approved
Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 8:40 pm
by tleeg
Hey Nathan,
Thanks for posting up and saying hi! Looks like a cool site. I have some friends in Scottsdale. How did you find our website?
Hope to see you around here more. You could be valuable on impdb!
Re: Frequency Change Approved
Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 9:23 pm
by BeerGremlin
Thanks for the welcome! I actually found your site via a retweet from Jason McDowell (@jasonmcdowell). I love the idea. I have an app for the iPhone/iPad called "Plane Spotter" that I use to identify aircraft. I developed it because it seemed a heck of a lot easier to use than one of the plane identification books that are available. Just put in the tail number, and whallah! I use that when I can while watching a movie, if I catch the tail number, to identify it. Obviously some aren't real numbers, but it is fun when it works.
I watched an absolutely awful movie once, called "Stealth", and not the one with Jessica Biel. It made me laugh because it showed a F-117 with three people in the cockpit. Then, it showed some jet at one point, and I call it a "jet" because it had a scene with a pilot crawling in to an F-15, then showed an F-16 taxiing, and another shot of something with a complex landing gear retracting for flight, which was all supposed to be the same aircraft. The low budget movie was obviously using stock footage they acquired, but that's how the general public becomes ill informed when it comes to aircraft. I think that's why I enjoy the concept of your website.
So, thanks again for the welcome, and hopefully I can help you out if you need it!
Re: Frequency Change Approved
Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 9:59 pm
by tleeg
I meant to respond before now. I am happy you chose to post up after seeing the retweet. That is so cool you designed an app, especially that it's an aviation app. I think I am going to pick it up real soon. Have you had many people download it?
Yeah Stealth is up. Check it out: Make sure everything looks accurate. Post up the details that you said above on the page. That kind of stuff is excellent for our site because it makes it extra fun. We love when Hollywood makes fools of themselves!