
From The Internet Movie Plane Database
Revision as of 14:37, 11 January 2011 by Weasel1984 (talk | contribs)
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Hello. My name is Michał. I was born in 1984 and live in Warsaw, Poland. About this site I know thanks to the IMCDb, where I am active member since few years. Except cars, I usually add there also additional pictures of planes and other "machines", so now, when there is a special database dedicated only to aircrafts, with pleasure I can work also here. But(!) unfortunately my knowledge about planes etc. is really small - please try to be patience, when I add to "unidentified aircrafts" something obvious and well known. ;)

My contributions you can find in:

07 zgłoś się
Dziewczyna szuka miłości
Gdyby zabrakło lotniska
Il caso Mattei
Ostatni dzień lata
Parada oszustów