User talk:Sixcyl

From The Internet Movie Plane Database
Revision as of 07:41, 14 January 2011 by Sixcyl (talk | contribs) (→‎Deletion)
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Welcome to the IMPDb

Thanks for joining The Internet Movie Plane Database Sixcyl!

I was wondering if you would sign up.

If you feel you can contribute to the site and stick to the format we are currently using, I know that the viewing community, including myself and the other users would be very appreciative of anything you can do to help. There is a new users page which you can use to make the site easier to use as well.

Also, the new forum is a great place to publicly discuss things.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to email us at

Tobin - Tleeg 22:23, 2 June 2010 (UTC) Founder of IMPDb


Tleeg has made me aware of your post on the imcdb forum. Hopefully this will clear up some points.

  • Completed film pages should be published on both the Movie List and Movies list. How to do this is explained in the Finished Page section.
  • You can rename your file by typing what ever you want in the 'Destination filename' box on the upload page. Once you've selected the file from your hard drive it automatically puts the file name in the 'Destination filename' box, but you can change this to whatever you like.

I did edit your comments slightly on the Rockwell Sabreliner section, mainly just removing your username. IMPDb is a community project, and should remain like that on all published pages. Any contributions are accredited on the 'history' page. You are free to write any comments about the page on the discussion page, and are encouraged here to add you username to a post.

For your comments on Contact, I didn't remove them completely, but moved them to the discussion page. However, as you have brought up the issue, I am happy to review my edits and have reinstated your comments, albeit slightly edited in line with what I said before.

I do hope you continue to contribute to IMPDb, as you could be a great help. If you have any more problems or issues, feel free to contact me.

Bthebest 22:46, 19 June 2010 (UTC)


Thanks a lot for your help with some of these more difficult planes. The information is greatly appreciated! Sorry if it seems to have taken awhile to update the movie pages with the new info. I now have them all updated. Hopefully I got them right.

You obviously have noticed that there may be times that the main contributors (specifically myself and Bthebest currently) aren't always available to make an update or change right away. Then other times we are on for long periods of times making tons of updates regularly. It is due to this possibility and many other reasons I have chosen do have this be a collaborative wiki style website. You have proven that you are more than qualified to make the changes right to the movie pages, if you would like. Either way you choose to help however is great. Thanks again! Tleeg 03:47, 9 September 2010 (UTC)

Latest Contributions

It's great to see you doing so much!
I've tried to address all the issues you've brought up and have also made some minor edits to others bits and bobs. If you haven't already seen it, there is the recent changes page where you can see an overall picture of the recent changes on IMPDb, so see if anyone has changed or commented on something on pages you've worked on. Also please don't be offended by any changes i may have h!!! made to your contributions, I'm just trying to keep IMPDb to the highest standard possible! It's great to see you interested in developing your editing skills.

Bthebest 18:39, 12 November 2010 (UTC)

Hey there!

I can't tell you how excited I am to have you as a part of this community. I know it's different than what you are use to and I appreciate your willingness to continue trying. It appears you are doing quite well now. Remember, if you need anything at all, just ask. The forum is a great tool also. Tleeg 01:02, 15 November 2010 (UTC)

Hello sirs

Thank's for all these kind messages. Indeed, my keens and desire to contribute to this site were stronger than my lazyness towards wiki! ... I'm "weaky" learner, but it's rather going better now even if there are still some "grey areas" I can't manage myself for the moment, as for instance the links between new aircraft categories I create, and the aircraft list or manufacturer list... my contributions on that point staying completely blanks on this pages.. Another slight pb I have is with the edit pages: copy/paste on part of text are difficult. Cursor is moving away all the time! It's very disturbing! Pb with my computer rather than wiki-pb? By the way, I've many new films to post, some are already listed in red in the movie list, but blank. (Battle of Britain for instance) May I feel free to fulfill those with my own pictures ? Ok for the Forum tool, but it needs time that I still share with IMCDB as you know, and I'm not a big user of forums in general.(see my low contributions in Imcdb Forum) Sixcyl

For the aircraft categories, it was agreed, or not contested that links only be created if the category exists - or should exist due to its appearance in another movie.
Not sure about the copy/paste problems.
Feel free to fill any blank movies - unless there is an note saying otherwise.
Bthebest 21:36, 15 November 2010 (UTC)

User page

If you are interested, you could create an list of the film pages you've created similar to my small list or Tim's extensive list. In addition, I would love to hear more about you and how you have become so knowledgeable about aircraft. I am sure I'm not the only one. :-) Tleeg 20:14, 18 November 2010 (UTC)


I just thought I would point out that you have quickly and easily made it to #1 for the past 7 day edits and the past 30 days! On top of that, you are #4 for all time edits. That is awesome! I brought it up in the forum also. Hope you don't mind. I did want to mention that we are trying to keep the screenshots to a max of 5 per aircraft as stated in the New Users, pictures section. There are instructions on how/where to add more if you desire, as I have in some of my own film pages. Thanks again for all your hard work! Tleeg 20:14, 18 November 2010 (UTC)


... and thank's again!
Ok I didn't noticed the rule about number of pictures/aircraft. I'll will limit them then. Do you want me to delete some of them in the few film concerned by?
Indeed I would pleased to give more about me in my own page, but I'm not yet good enough with wiki/html language to a presentation as you have in your own pages. Sixcyl

If you don't mind, that would be great if you could delete some that put it over the 5 per aircraft rule. Even on some of my own film pages, you may notice I have gone back in and taken some of the screenshots out and transplanted them over in the Additional Pictures section of the forum. I have decided to do it this way because I want the site to be clean and uniform and yet I don't want to leave anything out. Save the best for the wiki and the rest for the forum.
As for the "User page", if you have been doing this site without any copy and paste work, than you are better than I. Let's just say, I am the copy/paste master. Just copy my user page, paste onto your user page, modify, and save. Tleeg 10:16, 22 November 2010 (UTC)
You are doing such a great job Jean-Marc! It would be so awesome to hear a little about you and learn how you have become so knowledgeable with aircraft and their details. Thank you for all the great contributions! Tleeg 20:34, 6 December 2010 (UTC)

Ok Tobin... I'll will delete the extra pictures, in the few films where there are over 5/aircraft. And asap, I'll give some more info in my profile/user page... sure! Thank's for all, I find very exciting to contribute to your site... sixcyl

Ha-ha. I am really happy to hear that you have found it exciting. Anything I get done on the site, or anything that gets done period, gets me excited. It's just neat to see the site growing. If you choose, it's also fun to keep a running list on your page of the film pages you've put together. But I know that just adds more work. I am sure you have realized by now it's not necessary since anyone can already see what each user has done, but it makes it easier. Do you still prefer imcdb's format? Tleeg 01:09, 7 December 2010 (UTC)

Imcdb's format versus Impdb wiki format? well I think Imcdb remains much easier and quicker in terms of contributions, and friendly for comments section under the film pages, that gives a sort of "forum" possibility at any time about the movie, the cars ...and any subjects sometimes merely off-topics ... but it can be be "fun"! ... IMPDB doesn't give these possibilities, but has some other arguments! I like the connection offered in the design of the page, with a direct and assumed connection to cinema (movie poster or DVD cover, list of actors, story line/synopsis..etc)that reminds the purpose of the site Movie AND aircraft. I just regret you didn't gave a place to the Director name! As cinema lover, I think it's a lack. In another hand, I think IMPDB format is much well adapted to aircrafts than IMCDB to cars, as there are generally much less pictures of planes in movies than cars. Imagine some page films of IMCDB , with hundreds of cars, in wiki format?! So? ..I must admit that since self-adaptation of myself in this new format, I find it right. wink! sixcyl

I appreciate the honest and valuable feedback. I know what you are saying about the comments being directly under the pictures. We still have the ability to discuss things freely on the discussion pages and even in the forum, which you haven't tried out yet (wink) Ha-ha. I feel that the way we have done it keeps it "clean" looking but still has the fun aspect due to the other 2 areas. I will have to use cdb more to learn how contributions are made. I do think it's good that we have chosen to include the wiki and imdb links at the bottom of each page for individuals that are interested in learning more about the film such as the director's name or other cast and crew members who were involved, etc. Tleeg 19:51, 13 December 2010 (UTC)

Yes those links are a good point, fitting well in the wiki presentation. I agree too with the clean looking you want focus on. I hope my way of posting things is ok for you or Tim on that point. If there are some comments , please feel free to tell me. By the way, about links with other sites, I already include on IMCDB comments a direct link to IMPD pages for each films I had post cars pictures, delating all the aircraft pictures there ( for the great pleasure of antp webmaster I guess?). Yes, I must participate to your forum...soon. Sixcyl


Please take a look at the format of Spooks for doing TV Series, thanks Bthebest 23:12, 21 November 2010 (UTC)

Indeed, I should have looked at before. Done. Sixcyl
Thanks for taking care of that Sixcyl. I should have said something earlier. Sorry. Tleeg 04:02, 22 November 2010 (UTC)

New Categories of Airplane

It seems many categories I've created down page of movies have disappeared. How can we manage to update these in the films and Aircraft list? Sixcyl

Tim, Bthebest, has taken charge of the categories. Of course anyone can create a category page, but we have decided to create categories for only those aircraft which appear in more than one film on the site. Obviously we hope at some point, there will be a category page every aircraft. It just takes more time to create each category page and red hyperlinks that direct to a blank page is something we don't want. Tleeg 06:03, 22 November 2010 (UTC)


Please see the latest comments on Category talk:De Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter before continuing to make changes on the site. Until this issue is resolved no further changes related to it should be made. Bthebest 22:04, 15 December 2010 (UTC)


We alright to delete this page? Bthebest 07:35, 18 December 2010 (MST)

Of course Tim. I made a mistake in copy/paste from IMDb. To be deleted indeed. Sixcyl
Thanks Sixcyl. P.S. You might find it easier if you want to use 4 tides like this: ~~~~ after your discussion comments. Tleeg 09:26, 18 December 2010 (MST)

Ok , let's try it ~~~~


What's with the weird spacing in the cast lists on your latest creations? Bthebest 14:48, 20 December 2010 (MST) Don't know how it came. corrected. Sixcyl


Wondering if you don't mind providing your email address in the "my preferences" link in the upper right corner. I wanted to drop you a an email here and there if that's cool. One right now that I think you will find valuable. Tobin Lee 00:24, 14 January 2011 (MST)

No problem Tobin, but before i just want to check something. The email adress entered for my account login had been the previuous one , since that time the adress has been changed for .com extension instead of .fr. Can I change it with no incidence for my account, to ""? Sixcyl