Category:Nakajima Ki-43
The Nakajima Ki-43 Hayabusa (Oscar in the Allied code name) was a japanese single engined fighter produced during World War II for the Imperial Japanese Army Air Force. The first flight occured in the first days of 1939. Its lack of armor and self-sealing tanks give it incredible handling which makes it an hard target for allied pilots. But once in the gunsight, it was a brittle prey, easy to ignite. Despite a light armament, most of the japanese aces scored most of their victories at its controls, the Ki-43 shoting down more Allied aircraft than any other Japanese fighter. During the last months of the Pacific War, several were used for Kamikaze missions. After Japan surrendered, an handfull airframes saw limited action with France (Indochina), Korea, Indonesia and China (which written off the very last Ki-43 in 1952).
5 919 have been built until 1944.
This page lists all films that feature the Nakajima Ki-43.
See also
Pages in category "Nakajima Ki-43"
The following 15 pages are in this category, out of 15 total.