Et par ici la sortie
Movie (1957)
Italian title : Slim Callaghan... il duro
Tony Wright (Slim Maden / Carlos)
Dominique Wilms (Myrna de Maripasula)
Roger Saget (Alexandre Cherlikoff)
Marcel Charvey (Gaëtan)
(Synopsis needed)
Also from this series:
À toi de jouer... Callaghan !!!
Callaghan remet ça
Breguet Br-763 Provence
Reg. F-BASX Breguet Br-763 Provence c/n 10. of Air France.
Douglas DC-4
In front of the temporary (*) terminal of Aéroport de Marseille Marignane (now : Marseille Provence) (France).
(*) the first one was destroyed by retreating German troops in 1944. The new one was built in 1961.
Reg. F-BAIY SNCASE SE.200 c/n 3.
Also known as "Sud Est 200", this French floatplane was designed on the edge of the Second World War. First flight occured on December 1942. The first prototype was seized by Germans and sent in their flight test center at the Bodensee (where the RAF sunk it in 1944). The three other ones were destroyed or badly damaged in an USAF air raid. Only the third airframe was salvaged and rebuilt and eventually made its maiden flight in 1946. Test flight reached an end in 1949 due to a hard landing. Then the airframe was raised on docks of the Marseille Marignagne airport and kept there until the mid 1960's. It became a tourist sight during 15 years before being scrapped.
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