Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
Movie (1958)
French title : La chatte sur un toit brûlant
Elizabeth Taylor (Margaret Pollitt, named Maggie)
Paul Newman (Brick Pollitt)
Burl Ives (Harvey Pollitt AKA Big Daddy)
Judith Anderson (Ida Pollitt)
(Synopsis needed)
Beechcraft Model 18
Reg. N80356.
Same aircraft in other movies at IMPDb: Frequently Seen Aircraft (Civil Fixed-Wing).
Douglas DC-3
Douglas DC-4
Douglas DC-6
Note the four blade of a hidden DC-7 on the left.
Aero Commander 500 & Piper PA-22 Tri-Pacer
The blue tail of an Aero Commander and a Piper PA-22 Tri-Pacer seen from its 7 o'clock.
Cessna 172
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