Category:British Air Services
BKS Air Transport and Cambrian Airways formed the British Air Services group in 1967. Later on, a holding company 70% owned by BEA and 30% by the former shareholders of BKS and Cambrian. The liveries adopted on the aircraft were the red cheatline / blue tail fin of the previous BKS andCambrian liveries with new British Air Services title. Specifics logo of each companies remaining on the tail fins. British Air Services brand was dropped out in november 1970, when BKS was renamed Northeast Airlines (UK) adopting new Eccleston+Glossop Associates of London livery (Yellow/White/Black), as Cambrian one year later in November 1971. British Air Services lost its identity in 1974 with the merge in British Airways.
This page lists all films, TV series, and video games that feature aircraft of British Air Services.
See also
Pages in category "British Air Services"
The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.