Bugs (TV Series)
TV Series (1995-1999)
Jaye Griffiths (Ros)
Jesse Birdsall (Beckett)
Craig McLachlan (Ed)
Jan Harvey ('Jan')
Paula Hunt (Alex)
Steven Houghton (Ed)
Ed, Ros and Beckett are a team of surveillance and technology experts who investigate industrial espionage, international intrigue and high tech crime.
Series One
Hughes 369E
Ed's helicopter. It first appears in the opening sequence of 1.01 Out of the Hive when Ed has to fly a box to a top secret government listening post. It appears again later in the episode during a chase.
Registration G-SIVA and serial 0372E.
Agusta A109A MK.II
1.01 Out of the Hive. The bad guys use this helicopter to chase Ed's Hughes 500. Ed shoots it in the tail rotor with a revolver which (somewhat unrealistically) causes it to crash and explode.
Registration G-TELY and serial 7326.
BAC 111-518FG One-Eleven
1.03 All Under Control. When a saboteur starts hijacking planes by remote control the team investigate. Ros has a look round this plane and it takes off with her alone on board.
Registration G-OBWA and serial 232.
Cessna 500 Citation I
Appears in the opening sequence of 1.03 All Under Control. An airport manager is flying back to the airport when it is hijacked by remote control.
Registration G-JEAN and serial 500-0339.
Reims-Cessna F172 Skyhawk
The villain plans in 1.03 All Under Control plans to escape on board this plane but before he can Beckett arrives.
Avro B.2 Vulcan
1.03 All Under Control. Following a car chase the villain Wyman's car crashes into this jet.
Kept at Southend Airport, XL426 is one of three preserved Vulcans.
Reims-Cessna F406 Caravan II
Seen in the background in the hangar in ep.1.03 All Under Control.
Registration G-BSRY. Serial F406-0046.
Piper PA-28 Cherokee
1.03 All Under Control. Two Piper Cherokees are seen in the background during a car chase round a flying club.
1.03 All Under Control. Seen in the background during a car chase round a flying club. Registration G-EEAC and serial 31-761. A second is visible, G-SKKB and serial 31-7300956.
Cessna 550 Citation II
Seen a few times around Stansted in 1.03 All Under Control. Registration G-JETC and C/N 550-0282.
Unidentified Aircraft
More Cessna Citations?
Unidentified Aircraft
Seen in the background at the airport.
Unidentified Aircraft
Seen in the background at the airport.
Unidentified Aircraft
1.03 All Under Control. Seen in the background during a car chase around a flying club.
Unidentified Aircraft
1.03 All Under Control. Seen in the background during a car chase around a flying club. (Light plane in front of the two PA-31s)
Unidentified Aircraft
1.03 All Under Control. Seen in the background during a car chase at a flying club.
Unidentified Aircraft
1.03 All Under Control. Seen in the background during a car chase round a flying club.
Unidentified Aircraft
1.03 All Under Control. Seen in the background during a car chase round a flying club.
Aérospatiale-BAC Concorde
Scale model seen in 1.03 All Under Control
Unidentified Aircraft
Wooden model seen in 1.03 All Under Control.
Aerospatiale AS355F Ecureuil 2
1.08 Hot Metal. When a truck carrying a highly explosive new metal is stolen Ros uses this helicopter to track it down.
Registration G-SITE and Construction Number 5192.
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