Category:Scottish Airways Ltd
Scottish Airways Ltd was formed on12 August 1937, to merge the operations of Northern & Scottish Airlines with Highland Airways Ltd. A network was built up serving such places from Glasgow, as Barra, Belfast, Campbeltown, Inverness, Islay, North Uist, Perth, Skye, South Uist and Tiree. The company provided a valuable service to business men and tourists and also a much needed air ambulance. When war was declared in 1939 all internal air travel had to be suspended. The services to the islands were later re-instated but it was not until 1947 that the company was merged, along with other independent airline companies, to form BEA-British European Airways.
This page lists all films, TV series, and video games that feature aircraft of Scottish Airways Ltd.
See also
Pages in category "Scottish Airways Ltd"
The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.