Fröhliche Zukunft! — Wünsche, Wunder und Visionen
Documentary (1988)
This documentary presents film clips showing a past future.
Next to futuristic cars and concepts all sorts of futuristic appliances are shown, from household to spaceflight. This is how our ancestors thought the future (i.e. today) will be.
Gray Goose
Gray Goose Airways , Jonathan E Caldwell, Denver CO.
This manufacturer built at least two types of experimental airplanes: Cyglogyro and Windmill Plane. It might be one of them.
Same aircraft in other movies at IMPDb: Frequently Seen Aircraft (Others / Human Powered Flight / Ornithopter section).
ML Aviation Inflatable Wingcraft
Also seen in A Decade to Remember: The 1950's - IMPDb: Frequently Seen Aircraft.
Unidentified Aviette
Or Winged Bicycle.
Also seen in other works at IMPDb: Frequently Seen Aircraft (Human Powered Flight / Ornithopter section).
Unidentified Aircraft
Also seen in A Look Forward - The Story of Aviation - IMPDb: Frequently Seen Aircraft.
Unidentified Aircraft
Archive footage also seen in Sonda and Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines or How I Flew from London to Paris in 25 hours 11 minutes - IMPDb: Frequently Seen Aircraft.
Pitts Sky Car
Archive footage also seen in Sonda and Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines or How I Flew from London to Paris in 25 hours 11 minutes.
Unidentified Aircraft
Same aircraft also seen in Sonda - IMPDb: Frequently Seen Aircraft.
Gerhardt Cycleplane
Archive footage also seen in other works at IMPDb: Frequently Seen Aircraft (Human Powered Flight / Ornithopter section).
Dornier Do X
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