Talk:La grande vadrouille
Thanks for this contribution LVCDC!
I hope you won't be upset, but I'd like to give you few indications to respect, for the sake of IMPDb rules and harmonious presentation:
Titles==>Only English titles requires Capital letters on each signifiant words. In French and other languages, the Capitol letter is on the beginning of the title, only. Except for the proper names. In such a way, La Grande Vadrouille as been moved to La grande vadrouille
English title is in strong lettering too.
Captital Letter on the 1st letter only for the actors names
Links to IMDb,WIKIPEDIA,IMCDb websites with no italic letters for the title.
Thanks.Sixcyl 04:59, 7 July 2012 (MDT)
Thanks to explain this; I've noticed that some titles were with capital and some other without but without understanding the rule.
So I've fixed the last pages I've built and where I've put italics for the links of the See Also section.
BTW, title of some pages could be corrected :
Mercury rising should have a R, not a small one;
A Repülés Története where R and T should be minimize;
Shit Otechestva without a capital O, please.
Thanks for your help.
LVCDC 10 july 2012
Morane-Saulnier MS-502 Criquet
I've change ratio aspect of the pictures that was not good, in 800x348pixels which looks rather better.
As a direct variation of the Fiesler Fi 156 Storch, the MS built Criquet is included in Fi-156 category as you can observe. But I assume that we could create a specific category for it, as the variant is rather different from the original by the Salmson engine, which gives a very different look from the Fi156.Sixcyl 04:59, 7 July 2012 (MDT)