Es lebe die Liebe
Revision as of 01:28, 31 October 2015 by Corkeyandpals (talk | contribs)
Movie (1944)
Johannes Heesters (Manfred Richter)
Lizzi Waldmüller (Manuela del Orta)
Hilde Seipp (Fritzi Lindner)
Will Dohm (Direktor Hanke)
(Synopsis needed)
Various airliners at Flughafen Berlin-Tempelhof
Ten airliners (one with an upper wing).
Bloch MB.220
One of the eleven Bloch MB.220 sized by Germany and used by Deutsche Luft Hansa (D-A..).
Dornier Do 17M
Probably the Dornier Do 17M D-ADFQ (WrkNum 2243) used by the Deutsche Luft Hansa for several trials (following a RLM request).
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