Movie (1976)
Eddie Brugman (Pallieter)
Jacqueline Rommerts (Marieke)
Sylvia de Leur (Charlotte)
Joris Diels (the pastor)
(Synopsis needed)
Caudron G.3
Reg. F-PSYL Caudron G.3 of Jean Salis, later part of the AJBS vintage aircraft flying museum (Amicale Jean-Baptiste Salis, some French counterpart of the famous (British) Shuttleworth Collection or The Fighter Collection; or the (American) Commemorative Air Force; or The Alpine Fighter Collection (New Zealand)).
Same aircraft in other movies at Frequently Seen Aircraft (Civil Fixed-Wing).
Wearing "A. Maïcon" close the engine to honour the French pilot Auguste Maïcon who flew under the pont du Var (Var bridge) at Nice on 24 August 1919. He later ran a flying school with three Caudron G3s he eventually sold to Salis just after World War Two (this school was at La Californie and became the place of the airport (IATA: NCE, ICAO: LFMN)).
This is one of the three Caudron G.3s but re-engined with a more powerful Salmson 135hp.
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