Talk:Final Approach (1991 film)
This movie has had a limited distribution (in France, no more two weeks in the middle of summer '91 in very few theater). I can't find data about its American career which led to think it was too very low.
The script is based on a face to face between a mentaly lost pilot (following a crash during a highly classified mission) and a psychiatrist.
We probably have more breath-robbing movies in this range (Sleuth / Le limier (1972) or Garde à vue (1981)) but IMPDB focuses on planes and in this range, Final Approach is noteworthy : it's probably the best movie related to the Lockheed SR-71 despite short ground sequences (reflecting the amnesia of the pilot). I read somewhere that the SR-71 scenes are in fact extracted from a Lockheed promotional movie; right or wrong, here are some of the best shots of this fabulous aircraft as most of other movies just used limited footage, and a handful of them from the same promotional USAF article. If you are really in love with the Blackbird, you'll probably be disappointed as total time is limited regarding the 100 minutes of the movie, especially as (I'm afraid of) most is dedicated to pilot's view of a futuristic head up screening on Arizona background. But when the fatest plane ever put in service is on the screen, we can see it through a wide spectra (missing : servicing task). So this quite rare movie must not be missed if it crosses your sight but don't spend too much time to find it especially if you are demanding about psychological face-to-face.
By the way, this movie is one of few which gives the names of pilots, both 'stars' and 'crew' (front and rear the camera) :
LVCDC 10:07, 24 January 2016 (MST)