The Good Shepherd
Movie (2006)
Matt Damon (Edward Wilson)
Angelina Jolie (Margaret 'Clover' Russell)
Alec Baldwin (Sam Murach)
Tammy Blanchard (Laura)
Billy Crudup (Arch Cummings)
Robert De Niro (Bill Sullivan)
The early history of the CIA is told from the perspective of one of its first agents.
Douglas B-26 Invader
Archive footage of the mid April 1961 Bay of Pigs Invasion.
Some Invader were used by Cuban exiles (Cuban Democratic Revolutionary Front) but the type was too manned by the island's defenders. Hard to say which roundel is worn by this airframe ...
Lockheed T-33 Shooting Star
One of the four Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias (FAR / Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces) Lockheed T-33 Shooting Star involved in air combat.
Douglas B-26 Invader
One of the FAR B-26 Invader, the one shot down by friendly fire.
Beechcraft 18
Reg. VP-Y.. is no longer used but in 1961 this was the colonial allocation for Malawi and Zambia and Zimbabwe.
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