Toto le héros
Movie (1991)
International title : Toto The Hero
Michel Bouquet (Thomas (old man))
Jo De Backer (Thomas (adult))
Mireille Perrier (Evelyne (young woman))
Sandrine Blancke (Alice)
Thomas has always think that Alfred has stolen his life when they were exchanged during a fire in the hospital where they are born the same day. This idea obsesses Thomas since his youngest times. But the old man think to die in place of Alfred so all the things would be in place. How to realise such project as he's living in a pensionate ?
Boeing 377 Stratocruiser
Toy wearing the wrong registration N31225, but United Air Lines really used the Boeing 377 Stratocruiser until 1954.
Piper PA-32R-301 Saratoga
Reg. OO-JPC Piper PA-32R-301 s/n 32-7340 123. Registration cancelled on 20 August 1996.
Unidentified Aircraft
Another toy.
Rutan VariEze
Three Rutan VariEze were booked on the Belgian aviation registry. One was cancelled in April 1986. So it's OO-101 which was cancelled on 10 September 1993 or OO-104 (cancelled on 12 February 1991).
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