The Last of the Secret Agents?

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The Last of the Secret Agents? movie poster.

Movie (1966)
French title : Les plus dingues des agents secrets

Marty Allen (Marty Johnson)
Steve Rossi (Steve Donovan)
John Williams (J. Frederick Duval)
Nancy Sinatra (Micheline)

(Synopsis needed)

Zeppelin LZ 129 Hindenburg

Same type also seen in other movies at Frequently Seen Aircraft (Others).

TheLastOfTheSecretAgents 16mn.jpg

Aérospatiale SE3130 (or SE313B?) Alouette II

Fitted with the Turbomeca Artouste turboshaft engine, this SE3130 / SE313B Alouette II is still anonymous despite the mysterious 68-C registration.

TheLastOfTheSecretAgents 1h06.jpg
TheLastOfTheSecretAgents 1h07.jpg

Probably another one (where is the orange crane ?) :

TheLastOfTheSecretAgents 1h08.jpg

A day for night scene with (probably) 68-C (as the crane is visible) ... lifting .. Lady Liberty !

TheLastOfTheSecretAgents 1h27.jpg

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