Vremya patriotov
Movie (2022)
Russian title: Время патриотов
Сануржан Сулейменов/Sanurzhan Suleimenov (Бекзат Ибраев/Bekzat Ibraïev [the pilot])
Данияр Алшинов /Daniyar Alshinov (Султан Ибраев/Sultan Ibraïev [his brother from the Special Ops department])
Дастен Шакиров/Dasten Shakirov (Дармен Дабаев/Darmen Dabaev)
Зарина Хаджиметова/Zarina Khadjimetova (Адель/Adèle [Bekzat's girlfriend])
Brothers-military go on reconciliation around fighting on terrorism and family values during of a dangerous mission threatening the Kazakh nation.
Mil Mi-8/17
Sukhoi Su-30SM
The most recent acquisitions of the Қазақстан Әуе қорғаныс күштері (Kazakh Air Defense Forces). Two dozens are in service.
Sukhoi Su-27S
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 PFM
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 PFM codex 26, Kazakh Air Force or if picture was taken before 1998, VVS (Voyenno-vozdushnye sily Rossii, Russian Air Force [1992-1998] or Voenno-Vozdushnye Sily, Soviet Air Force).
Mig-21 monument at Aktau, eastern shore of the Caspian Sea, Kazakhstan.
CAIG Wing Loong I
MALE UAV (Medium-Altitude Long-Endurance Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) built by Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group (alias Chengdu Pterodactyl I).
Three of them are on strength with the Kazakh Air Defense Forces since 2017.
Bell UH-1H Iroquois
01 red and 04 red seen taking off...
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