Caught in the Draft

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Caught in the Draft movie poster.

Movie (1941)
French title : L'engagé volontaire

Bob Hope (Don Bolton)
Dorothy Lamour (Antoinette 'Tony' Fairbanks)
Lynne Overman (Steve Riggs)
Eddie Bracken (Bert Sparks)

(Synopsis needed)

Boeing B-17B Flying Fortress

Boeing B-17B Flying Fortress of the US Army Air Force.

34th of the 39 built.
Cockpit is a set.
CaughtInThe Draft 215.jpg
CaughtInThe Draft 214.jpg
The 11th Boeing B-17B taxiing in a flipped footage.

Unidentified Aircraft

Twin-engine aircraft ? Otherwise, the general shape is close to the Consolidated B-24 Liberator...

CaughtInThe Draft 3.jpg

North American BT-14

North American BT-14 (fixed-gear) in front of possibly high-wing Douglas O-46.

CaughtInThe Draft 132.jpg

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