Čekání na Patrika
Movie (1988)
Also Known As : Cekani na Patrika
Miroslava Pleštilová (Zuzka)
Šárka Marková (Helenka)
Monika Kvasničková (Sylva)
Jiří Pomeje (Honza)
The students of the Secondary Industrial School of Textiles live in the race boarding school. The girls are full of life, they like to go to the disco and go to the cinema. Zuzka, the leading girl has for best friend Helenka, who has a serious acquaintance with pilot Patrik.
Unidentified Hang Glider
Tupolev Tu-134
The fairing housing the hydraulic screw jack moving the variable incidence tailplane is missing.
High Wing Radio Control Flying Model
Národní technické muzeum (National Technical Museum), Prague
Blériot XI / Kašpar JK
Blériot XI (c/n 76) upgraded with a Daimler engine by Jan Kašpar. Same aircraft in other movies at IMPDb: Frequently Seen Aircraft (Civil Fixed-Wing).
Avia BH-10
Reg. OK-AVO c/n 14.
Same aircraft in other movies at IMPDb: Frequently Seen Aircraft (Civil Fixed-Wing).
On the left edge, the Nebeská Blecha HM-14 with its tandem wings.
Simunek VBS-1 Kunkaldo
Reg. L-BILG Simunek VBS-1 Kunkaldo.
The grey and yellow wing from the Etrich and the nude airframe's skeleton of the Zanonia glider (already seen in Brána do historie during Ep. 29).
Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6
Captain Knobloch who set a record in 1934 at the controls of a Morane-Saulnier aircrat but here seen near the engine of a (Slovak ?) Messerschmitt Bf 109.
Etrich Sport-Taube
Built in 1929. The museum hang a panel with this caption : Etrich Taube Limusina, 1928.
Unidentified Zlin Aircraft
Zlin 26 or derivative.
Tupolev Tu-134 & Tupolev Tu-154
Tupolev Tu-134s surrounding a Tupolev Tu-154 of CSA Ceskoslovenské Aerolinie.
Ilyushin Il-62M
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