First Man

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Last updated on 28 October 2018.

First Man movie poster.

Movie (October 2018)
French title : First Man : le premier homme sur la Lune

Ryan Gosling (Neil Armstrong)
Claire Foy (Janet Shearon, his wife)
Corey Stoll (Buzz Aldrin)
Kyle Chandler (Deke Slayton)

(Synopsis needed)

Boeing NB-52 Stratofortress

(top right) One of the Boeing NB-52 used as mother ship.

FirstMan B-52.jpg

North American X-15A-3

North American X-15A-3 s/n 56-6672.
Same aircraft in other movies at IMPDb: Frequently Seen Aircraft (Military Fixed-Wing). Backwards camera during the climb towards the space frontier.

FirstMan X-15.jpg

A desk model seen in the background when Niel is studying the Delta Wing, the day following his flight which ballooned back up on high atmosphere. On the desk, a magazine is open and is displaying British Deltas (probably Handley Page HP.115).
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Piasecki H-21 Workhorse

Seen in the distance on the left.
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Martin Titan II GLV (Gemini Launch Vehicle)

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Lockheed McDonnell Agena Target Vehicle

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Bell Lunar Landing Training Vehicle

Seen too in When We Left Earth: The NASA Missions.
On May 6, 1968, Armstrong ejected safely from the Lunar Landing Research Vehicle #1 but set is closest to a Lunar Landing Training Vehicle.

FirstMan LLRV.jpg

Saturn V Apollo

Apollo X then Apollo XI.

FirstMan Apollo.jpg

North American Apollo Command/Service Module

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Grumman Lunar Module LM-5

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